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SAGE Network (Southern Action on Genetic Engineering)

The network started in 2003 to democratize the debate on the production and distribution of genetically modified engineering (GMO) crops in Indian agriculture. Deccan Development Society (DDS) is the National Convenor of the network.  In Tamil Nadu, Kudumbam is facilitating the network with five other organizations. Some of the work conducted in the network over the years include workshops, training, demonstrations and protest movements. Seed festivals have also been arranged within Tamil Nadu to inform and advocate for the importance of retrieving indigenous landraces and excluding Genetic Engineered seeds in the State. Various sectors like farmers, consumers, Panchayat leaders, academicians, advocates, and medical fraternities in the Indian society have been sensitized on the topic of Genetic Engineering. Today, the demand of the network is to say completely No to GM crops/seeds in India. Also, the GE (Genetic Engineering) approval committee in India which are responsible for approving seeds has been a focus of the network and to read about their current priorities and practices. Funding has been in the last couple of years lacking which has led to less frequent meetings and workshops. Instead, the network is very active through online communication work in campaigning.  Kudumbam benefits from being a part of the SAGE Network to advocate and campaign for a future where GMO seeds are not a part of the agricultural sector in India and elsewhere.