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Vegetable Cultivation at Kolunji Ecological Farm

Kolunji Ecological Farm were established in the year 1990. Until today, nearly 3000 trees of 150 varieties have been cultivated over a period of 40 years. Fodder trees, fruit trees, trees for timber, trees for fire wood purpose and trees for medicinal purpose can be found on the 35 acres farm. We have training centers and thatched cottages for guests. We also have a home for children called `Vidivelli Children`s Home` where 17 children are residing currently. Additionally, Kolunji have a nursery unit, vegetable cultivation, paddy and millet cultivation.

In our vegetable garden we cultivate local varieties like Egg plant (Brinjal), Ladies Finger, Cluster Beans, Tomatoes, Drumstick,  Pumpkin, Bottle guard, Green vegetables, curry leaves, Onion, Green chilly etc., We have harvested much kilo grams of Tamarind from the trees at Kolunji. Vegetable cultivation is one of the income sources of the farm. The vegetables is utilized for the Vidivelli children, for the trainees during training, and the surplus is sold to the staffs and neighbours.