Water Resource Mapping
Local village pond
Water Resource Mapping is a activity which is
specific and different for each village. With this particular activity Kudumbam map the
number of wells, community ponds, private water tanks available, and how many persons is
living in a particular village. Kudumbam gets assistance from the elderly
people who inhabit a village to map the area and identify which crops that are
cultivated. Staff members also make us of local knowledge by taking a walk with
villagers to map available water resources. Discussion subjects with elders include:
where rain fall and flows to and which type of private farm ponds that’s available to collect rainwater. Also enhancing knowledge in a village about
methods to reduce water usage is applied to address water shortage. Through
Water Resource Mapping Kudumbam is able to identify the local problems and
applicable solutions. We also work with trying to sensitize the local village,
panchayats and the district government about the advantages of mapping water.
Kudumbam has worked with this initiative for around 20 years.